Office: 814-756-3268 Emergency Mike 814-602-9647
Office: 814-756-3268 Emergency Mike 814-602-9647
Office: 814-756-3268 Emergency Mike 814-602-9647
Shirley Bilek is the elected Tax Collector for our Township. Tax bills can be mailed to:
Elk Creek Township Tax Collector
9225 Fillinger Road
Cranesville, PA 16410
(814) 756-4500
or paid in person by appointment.
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Clinics Scheduled
Brad Roae's office will be hosting six Property Tax/Rent Rebate Clinics throughout the 6th Legislative District in order to assist people with completing their applications.
The program is open to those 65 years and older; widows and widowers 50 years and older; and people with disabilities 18 years and older. Income limits increased again this year to $46,520 for both homeowners and renters. This is due to a 2023 law I supported that calls for adjusting the income limit based on annual increases in the Consumer Price Index. Remember to exclude 50% of Social Security when determining your income. The maximum rebate is $1,000.
The clinic dates are:
• Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 10-11:30 a.m. at Bair Senior Center, 237 S. Pymatuning St., Linesville.
• Friday, Feb. 28, from noon to 2 p.m. at Shontz Memorial Library, 145 S. Second St., Conneaut Lake.
• Monday, March 3, from 9-11 a.m. at Stone Memorial Library, 1101 Main St., Conneautville.
• Monday, March 3, from 1-3 p.m. at Albion Senior Center, 9 Academy St., Albion.
• Wednesday, March 5, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at the Cochranton Area Public Library, 107 W. Pine St., Cochranton.
• Friday, March 7, from 1-3 p.m. at the Meadville Public Library, 848 N. Main St., Meadville.
Elk Creek Township was incorporated in May of 1800 and is 31.96 square miles. There is no zoning. Township Tax Millage: 5.00
School Tax Millage: 10.9263
Erie County Tax Millage: 6.61
Township roads = 51.10 miles
State Representative is Brad Roae
Hon. Brad Roae
18937 Park Avenue Plaza
Meadville, PA 16335
(814) 336-1136
Fax: (814) 332-6929
Hon. Brad Roae
145 W. Erie Street
Linesville, PA 16424
(814) 683-6031
Fax: (814) 683-6032
Hon. Brad Roae
151 East Wing
P.O. Box 202006
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2006
(717) 787-2353
Fax: (717) 260-6505
State Senator is Daniel Laughlin
Harrisburg Office
Senate Box 203049
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3049
Telephone: (717) 787-8927
TTY: 800-364-1581
Text: (814) 900-4527
District Office
1314 Griswold Plaza
Suite 101
Erie, PA 16501
Telephone: (814) 453-2515
Text: (814) 900-4527
Our school aged residents attend:
Northwestern School District
(814) 756-9400
Springfield Elementary
Northwestern Elementary
Northwestern Middle School
Northwestern High School
Elk Creek Township is a rural community and is not contracted with a waste company. Residents can choose. Here are some local companies:
Waste Management
Tri-County Waste
B & B Disposal
When subdividing your property,
Elk Creek Township follows the rules and regulations of Erie County.
A property survey would need to be completed and mylars submitted to Elk Creek Township Planning, Elk Creek Township Board of Supervisors, Erie County Planning and then registered at the Erie County Courthouse, respectively.
The Erie County Department of Health (ECDH) is to be contacted for any septic issues or installs.
(814) 451-6700.
Septic approval is needed before an address can be assigned.
Any time you have a construction project on your property in Elk Creek Township, you must obtain a building permit exemption from the Township office.
These permits almost always coincide with a Stormwater Application.
Setbacks for building:
Front: 40' Rear: 50' Sides: 20'
Grandview Avenue Setbacks:
Front: 25' Rear: 30' Sides: 10'
Winchester Drive Setbacks:
Front: 40' Rear: 50' Sides: 20'
If you cover the earth and create an impervious surface, you need to submit a Stormwater Application (ie. building, driveway, patio, sidewalk, etc.). The impervious service is measured in square feet and is cumulative Permit fees vary depending on scope of project.
Projects under 1,000 sq ft $0
Projects 1,000-4,999 sq ft $100
Projects larger than 5k sq ft can incur engineer fees + $100 app fee.
All Township roads in Elk Creek Township are limited to under 10 ton vehicles. If you are trucking in product to your property or logging a property, please request a permit to exceed this limit. If you are employing a contractor or lumber company, they are the party required to bond the road route to your site. Routes must be approved and permitted before exceeding the weight limit and permits must be carried in each vehicle. Application fee is $100. Bond amount is $6,000 mi for dirt/gravel roads and $12,500 mi for paved.
Political signs are allowed to be placed in the Township road right-of-ways, but only if permitted and a bond placed to ensure removal. The refundable bond is $100. No signs will be erected sooner than 30 days prior to election and must be removed within 10 days following the election or bond is forfeited.
Outdoor festivals, carnivals, exhibitions, entertainment or amusements for which admission is charged or other reward need to be licensed by the Township. Some activities will require a bond or proof of insurance, depending on the size. No outdoor events shall commence before 9:00 am or continue later than 11:00 pm, M-Sat and before 12:00 noon or after 9:00 pm on Sun. Application fee: $25
If you need to install/replace a new driveway and/or sluice pipe and live on a Township road, you will need to obtain a permit. Permits are only issued on properties with septic approval issued by the ECDH. A sluice pipe may also need to be installed. This is determined by the Township Foreman and would be purchased by the property owner. A stormwater application is also necessary for driveway installations.
Permit $75
1 load gravel w/ permit $225
2 loads gravel w/ permit $350
All Right-to-Know requests must be submitted using the State Office of Open Records form.
Electronic copies = $0 Black/White paper copy = .25 cents each; Color paper copy = .35 cents each.
Homeowners Encouraged to Prepare Mailboxes for Winter 11/10/2020 To reduce the chances of a mailbox being damaged by a snowplow this winter, PennDOT encourages homeowners along rural mail routes to ensure that their mailboxes are properly prepared. Mailbox damage occurs primarily due to the weight of snow being removed from the roadway.
Since most mailboxes are placed within PennDOT’s legal right-of-way, homeowners are
responsible for confirming that their mailbox can withstand the weight of snow being thrown
from a plow. Generally, this means firmly installing the mailbox as far beyond the roadway
shoulder as the postal carrier can reach.
PennDOT offers these tips to help prevent mailbox damage this winter:
• Place a 6-inch to 8-inch piece of reflective tape on the mailbox to help snowplow operators see it at night.
• Remove snow from around the mailbox but avoid throwing it back onto the road.
• If the mailbox is located within the legal right-of-way and damage was experienced in the past, homeowners may want to consider relocating the mailbox.
• Make sure the mailbox post is firmly supported in the ground.
Homeowners who have followed these tips in the past and have still experienced damaged
mailboxes may want to consider installing a cantilever mailbox support that will “swing” a
mailbox out of harm’s way. Plans for building the cantilever mailbox support
can be obtained by visiting PennDOT’s winter Web page at under
the winter preparation tab.
Residents of Pennsylvania can call 811 to have the underground utilities find underground pipes and wires before a digging or trenching project. Safety First!